
Privacy statement

Privacy Statement Schoolyear

Version 17-7-2024

In this privacy statement, we explain what happens to your personal data when Schoolyear software is used when you are digitally taking an exam.

Who is responsible for data processing?

Utrecht University, located at Heidelberglaan 8, 3584 CS Utrecht, is responsible for the processing described in this Privacy Statement.

For what purposes will my personal data be processed?

Your personal data are processed to ensure that no fraud is committed during examination.

Which personal data are processed?

Your name, SolisID and a digital exam identifier are processed.

How long are these personal data retained?

This personal data is retained for 6 weeks. This retention period can be extended if a student appeals the result of an exam.

Will my personal data be shared with third parties?

Your personal data will be shared with Schoolyear, the supplier of the service by the same name. Utrecht University has a contract with Schoolyear concerning data protection.

Will my data be transferred to third countries?

No, there is no transfer of personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area.

What is the legal basis for this data processing?

Your data is processed on the basis of public interest, in line with the public task that Utrecht University has by law to conduct exams.

What rights do I have under the GDPR and how can I exercise them?

As a data subject you have certain rights. Namely the right to access, the right to rectification and the right to erasure.

Should you wish to exercise these rights, please submit your request using this form. We will then have one month to respond to your request. For very complex requests (or if there are a lot of requests coming in at the same time), we sometimes need more time (up to two months extra). We will let you know within that first month.

When exercising your rights, we first need to establish your identity. We do this in a way that suits the situation at hand and the right you want to exercise.

Is there automated decision-making or profiling?

There is no automated decision-making. That is, decisions are never made without human intervention. There is also no profiling.


If you have any questions about this privacy statement, please send them to Would you like to file a complaint? If so, please contact Utrecht University’s data protection officer, which can be reached at You are also always free to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority here.